Worship Committee

Our Worship Committee is represented by a member from each year group from Reception to Year 6.

The role of the Worship Committee is to help our school evaluate Collective Worship and find ways to develop its Christian character. We also want to make sure there are special areas, both inside and out, where people can reflect and have the opportunity to be spiritual. We want to support our school as we develop our different values each term.

Our priorities for 2023-24:

Coming soon - our first meeting will be held after Pebble Worship where our new Worship Committee Members are given their badges and meet shortly afterward.

Our priorities for 2022-23:

  • To develop new spiritual areas both inside and outside of the classroom.

  • To do an audit of the resources within our spiritual and reflection areas and order new equipment to improve these.

  • To set up Worship daily.

  • To evaluate worship and make suggestions about how we can improve it.

‘Be curious, love learning and grow together with respect.’