Welcome to JC1's Class Page

On this page you can find out about our learning in class and enjoy looking at pictures of us!

JC1 is our Year 1 class and is taught by Mrs Loram.

Our Learning this Term

For information about our learning have a look at our termly newsletter on the class SeeSaw page. Our Key Features sets out the overview of our learning for the year. On the class SeeSaw page pictures and notes will be shared of our learning.

Take a look at our year overview →

JC1 Class Routines


You will get two new reading books every week, these will go home on a Monday. You need to read each book three times. This improves your phonics, expression and comprehension. Please write in your child's reading record book when you have read, and send them in with their reading folder daily. Reading books will be changed once a week on a Friday in preparation for the new week. 

PE/Physical Development

Our PE day will be shared with you on JC1 SeeSaw. PE kit should be kept in school every day.

Helping your child at home

Your child will bring home a reading folder every night. In the folder you will find:

A reading book containing the phonics sounds they have been learning at school. For the first few weeks, your child will bring a wordless book home and their new reading record. In the reading record, there is a note to help with how to use wordless reading books.

Please read every night with your child. Ask the child to tell you what sounds they can see "c-a-t" and encourage them to blend the sounds together "cat" to hear the word "cat". This will click but can take some time, if your child cannot blend yet help them by blending the word yourself. 

A Phonics flipbook containing the graphemes (letters) that represent the phonemes (sounds) that we have taught in school will be sent home. Your child needs to say the sound for each letter. Prompt if needed. Be careful to use the correct pure sound: sss not 'suh'.  Click here for the ELS phonics Parent Support.

At the back of your reading record ‘Harder to Read and Spell words’ (HRS words) will be added later in the term for the children to practise reading at home.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Nicky Loram

‘Be curious, love learning and grow together with respect.’